Find the latest private AMI ID using AWS CLI

A easy way to do this is to execute the query below:

aws ec2 describe-images \
                --region us-west-2 \
                --owners self \
                --filters "Name=name,Values=base-v*-al2023-arm64-*" \
                --query 'Images | sort_by(@, &CreationDate) | [-1].ImageId' \
                --output text

But if you want to automate this inside a shell script, here what you can do:

# Get the latest AMI ID
LATEST_AMI_ID=$(aws ec2 describe-images \
                --region $region \
                --owners self \
                --filters "Name=name,Values=$AMI_PATTERN" \
                --query 'Images | sort_by(@, &CreationDate) | [-1].ImageId' \
                --output text)

# Check if an AMI ID was found
if [ "$LATEST_AMI_ID" == "None" ]; then
    echo "No AMI found with the pattern: $AMI_PATTERN"
    exit 1

# Now simply use it, for example to create a CloudFormation Stack with the latest private AMI ID:
aws cloudformation update-stack \
    --stack-name $stackname \
    --template-body file:///Users/devops/Documents/Github/devops/cloudformation/cfn-test.yaml \
    --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM \
    --parameters ParameterKey=LatestAmiId,ParameterValue=$LATEST_AMI_ID \
    --region $region \
    --profile $profile \
    --output json

Enjoy đŸ˜‰

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