How to install and use Steampipe

Check it out! => Steampipe CheatSheet


This will install binary into /usr/local/bin and create the ~/.steampipe directory with all the supporting libraries and configuration needed (including PostgreSQL).

brew install turbot/tap/steampipe

Check Versions

List the current installed version.

steampipe -v

Install Plugins

Install the desired plugin.

steampipe plugin install steampipe

Checking available plugins

Returns a list with all available plugins to be installed.

steampipe query "select name from steampipe_registry_plugin;"

output example

| name                       |
| theapsgroup/keycloak       |
| turbot/openapi             |
| francois2metz/baleen       |
| ajmaradiaga/btp            |
| theapsgroup/vault          |
| ellisvalentiner/confluence |
| theapsgroup/vsphere        |
| turbot/gcp                 |
| turbot/github              |
| turbot/godaddy             |
| tomba-io/tomba             |
| turbot/googledirectory     |
| turbot/abuseipdb           |
| turbot/googlesheets        |
| turbot/aiven               |
| turbot/googleworkspace     |
| turbot/grafana             |
| turbot/algolia             |
| turbot/alicloud            |
| turbot/ansible             |
| turbot/auth0               |
| turbot/guardrails          |
| turbot/aws                 |
| turbot/awscfn              |
| francois2metz/freshping    |
| francois2metz/airtable     |
| ellisvalentiner/weatherkit |
| francois2metz/gitguardian  |
| ernw/openstack             |
| francois2metz/ovh          |
| francois2metz/scalingo     |
| gabrielsoltz/semgrep       |
| kaggrwal/bitfinex          |
| marekjalovec/make          |
| mr-destructive/cohereai    |
| solacelabs/solace          |
| theapsgroup/clickup        |
| turbot/azuread             |
| theapsgroup/freshservice   |
| theapsgroup/gitlab         |
| francois2metz/gandi        |
| turbot/hackernews          |
| turbot/azure               |
| turbot/azuredevops         |
| turbot/databricks          |
| turbot/duo                 |
| turbot/env0                |
| turbot/bitbucket           |
| turbot/datadog             |
| turbot/equinix             |
| turbot/exec                |
| turbot/digitalocean        |
| turbot/fastly              |
| turbot/docker              |
| turbot/finance             |
| turbot/dockerhub           |
| turbot/doppler             |
| turbot/fly                 |
| turbot/linear              |
| turbot/namecheap           |
| turbot/heroku              |
| turbot/linkedin            |
| turbot/hibp                |
| turbot/linode              |
| turbot/hubspot             |
| turbot/mailchimp           |
| turbot/buildkite           |
| turbot/mastodon            |
| turbot/chaos               |
| turbot/microsoft365        |
| turbot/hypothesis          |
| turbot/mongodbatlas        |
| turbot/chaosdynamic        |
| turbot/ibm                 |
| turbot/oci                 |
| turbot/circleci            |
| turbot/imap                |
| turbot/net                 |
| turbot/cloudflare          |
| turbot/ipinfo              |
| turbot/newrelic            |
| turbot/code                |
| turbot/nomad               |
| turbot/ipstack             |
| turbot/config              |
| turbot/onepassword         |
| turbot/jenkins             |
| turbot/okta                |
| turbot/jira                |
| turbot/consul              |
| turbot/openai              |
| turbot/jumpcloud           |
| turbot/launchdarkly        |
| turbot/crowdstrike         |
| turbot/ldap                |
| turbot/crtsh               |
| turbot/kubernetes          |
| turbot/csv                 |
| ip2location/ip2locationio  |
| turbot/hcloud              |
| turbot/steampipecloud      |
| turbot/pagerduty           |
| turbot/panos               |
| turbot/zoom                |
| turbot/pipes               |
| turbot/stripe              |
| turbot/planetscale         |
| turbot/supabase            |
| turbot/tailscale           |
| turbot/prometheus          |
| turbot/terraform           |
| turbot/reddit              |
| turbot/rss                 |
| turbot/salesforce          |
| turbot/tfe                 |
| turbot/scaleway            |
| turbot/trello              |
| turbot/sentry              |
| turbot/trivy               |
| turbot/servicenow          |
| turbot/turbot              |
| turbot/openshift           |
| turbot/shodan              |
| turbot/twilio              |
| turbot/vercel              |
| turbot/shopify             |
| turbot/virustotal          |
| turbot/twitter             |
| turbot/snowflake           |
| turbot/whois               |
| turbot/splunk              |
| turbot/wiz                 |
| turbot/steampipe           |
| turbot/workos              |
| turbot/zendesk             |
| turbot/slack               |
| turbot/urlscan             |
| turbot/uptimerobot         |
| turbot/vanta               |
| turbot/updown              |

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